Tagged: suicide squad
HBO Max & Stranger Things Season 3 | Weekly News Episode 231
This week Superhero Slate is packing our bags for San Diego Comic-Con, Warner announces HBO Max streaming service, Zack Snyder is making a Norse Anime on Netflix, and more!
Spider-Man Trailer Debut & Detective Pikachu Review | Weekly News Episode 222
This week Superhero Slate is going on a vacation with Spider-Man Far From Home, Disney plans out our next 8 years of movies, we get our first tease at Lobo in Krypton, and more!
The Joker Teaser and Endgame Tickets On Sale | Weekly News Episode 217
Superhero Slate needs you to 🚨BUY YOUR AVENGERS TICKETS NOW🚨, CinemaCon gives us a look at the remaining Fox films, the Joker is a definitely a movie, and more!
Dark Phoenix, Hellboy, and Detective Pikachu Trailers | Weekly News Episode 212
Superhero Slate is waiting the arrival of Captain Marvel, Aquaman 2 has a release date, we’re watching New Trailers for Dark Phoenix, Hellboy, Detective Pikachu, and more!
The Big Game Pre-Show & DC's Upcoming Movies | Weekly News 208
Superhero Slate is counting down the minutes until the biggest trailer day kicks off, DC dates Batman and Suicide Squad, Agents of SHIELD returns this summer, and more!