Sonic Sucks & Ghost Rider on Hulu | Weekly News Episode 221
This week Superhero Slate is feeling spooky about Hulu’s new Ghost Rider show, Sonic the Hedgehog makes a speedy turnaround, Detective Pikachu catches them all, and more!
Special Guest Host Adam Niemiec!
- Avengers Endgame (7:50)
- Box Office Roundup
- #2 movie of all time
- $2 billion in 11 days
- Official Spoiler Ban lifts Monday
- Box Office Roundup
- Spider-Man (16:30)
- Amy Pascal is leaving Sony for a first look deal at Universal
- Homecoming, Far From Home, Into the Spider-Verse
- Amy Pascal is leaving Sony for a first look deal at Universal
- Spider-Man: Far From Home (21:25)
- Trailer classified, could be next week
- Timeline of film still in question
- Agents of SHIELD (25:40)
- Season 6 trailer
- May 10
- Ghost Rider (29:30)
- TV Series going to Hulu in 2020
- Gabriel Luna (Agents of SHIELD) To reprise role
- Helstrom (31:30)
- Show headed to Hulu in 2020
- Daimon and Ana Helstrom are the son and daughter of a mysterious and powerful serial killer in "Marvel’s Helstrom." The siblings have a complicated dynamic as they track down the worst of humanity—each with their attitude and skills.
- Star Wars (35:30)
- Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) passed away at 74
- Detective Pikachu (38:05)
- Out next week!
- Best video game movie of our time?
- Sonic the Hedgehog (43:30)
- First trailer for film
- Backlash = Updated Sonic Design
- Good things: Sonic Spin, Jim Carrey
- Umbrella Academy (51:40)
- Got more views than Stranger Things Season 1
- Fantastic Beasts 3 (55:38)
- Pushed back 1 year to November, 2021
Plugs (1:00:20)
Email us your questions and thoughts to or tag us on twitter @SuperheroSlate to make us impressed!
Adam - Niemo36