Tagged: powerless
The Spider-Man Saga | Episode 126
On the latest Superhero Slate podcast we talk about the Dark Phoenix casting, the new composer on Justice league, a lot of Spider-Man news, and more!
The Gifted Deadpool Dredd Show | Episode 121
Seriously, almost a dozen shows are renewed or debuting this fall on TV, Hellboy is coming (back) to earth, Deadpool is getting animated, and more on this week's Superhero Slate!
Episode 107 - Super Bowl Predictions 2017
Before Superhero Slate's yearly Super Bowl trailer show, we talk about Marvel’s Runaway casting job, Ben Affleck steps back from directing the Batman, a first look at Star Trek Discovery, and more!
Episode 103 - Batman V Affleck
In the first Superhero Slate of 2017, we talk Batman’s wishy-washy future, how Thor is going to bring the thunder, upcoming brand new superhero properties, and more!
Episode 100 - Homecoming Trailer
For the 100th episode of Superhero Slate, Spider-Man gets his first movie trailer, Powerless is moving to Wayne Enterprises, we have a lot of trailers to look forward to, and more!